My good friends, Tiff and Harmony, let me go with them to the farmers market at Pioneer park in Salt Lake City. I sneezed a lot, my pocket smells like lavender and I got yelled at for taking pictures of a dog. (We think it must have been stolen. (That's the only real explanation.))
I did make it home intact with a pile of fresh raspberry's, honey on the comb, hummus, tasty Swiss cheese and a slight stomach ache from eating too many of the afore mentioned raspberry's. (Afore is a word no matter what spell check tells me. stupid spell check.)
Tiff is about to enjoy something or get her tonsils checked.

These cuff links are made out of old type writer keys. How sweet is that! Makes me wish I fancy dressed more so I would need a pair or two.

> stupid spell check.)
You might want to take a look at Spell Check Anywhere (SpellCheckAnywhere.Com). It is a terrific spell checker that works in all programs, including blogs. It also has optional grammar check.
Yes yes that was so fun and so good and I want to go back right now! If we went again and ran into the dude with the stolen dog, you know you would have to get a secret pic, right?
Good photos Sky... Yum yum!
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