Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Gracie, not Daisy.

 That's right. I said Gracie.
  Let me tell you a funny story. 

I'm an idiot. 

Wait it gets even better. I went to Justin and Paulette's to take pics of cute lil' Gracie. I knew her name was Gracie. I guarantee the two of them said her name sixty times each. I probably said her name (Gracie unless you too are an idiot) thirty times. Then I went home and put the pictures on a DVD. I was confused on her name for some reason so I sent a text to her uncle to confirm, and yep her name was still Gracie. So I immediately wrote Daisy on the DVD of pictures I gave them. 

You read right, DAISY!!! I wrote Daisy. Not Gracie, DAISY!

Lucky for me Justin and Paulette are too nice and pretended it was funny. Any who, enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Kenley and Mel said...

Awww, "Gracie" is so adorbale. I haven't been over to see her yet, so I'm glad you have pictures of her.